【最新航線Air OFESS 帶你玩盡香港】

上次Air OFESS飛咗去港島東,今次就轉飛港島西!大家即刻跟住Air OFESS,睇下西環到底有咩靚景! 想了解更多關於Air OFESS ? 即上 【Travel around HK with Air OFESS 】 Last time we have flown to Island East taking a look of the Monster Building. This time we will travel to the West , to explore places in Kennedy Town! Learn more about Air OFESS:泳棚早建於6、70年代,而因為泳棚上嘅木橋、燈塔,配合住日落、潮汐,都喺拍攝嘅好題材宜家已經成為拍攝嘅熱門地方Sai Wan Swimming Shed was built in 60-70s when public swimming facilities were sparse in HK. Because of the amazing scenery, sunset with wooden bridge, beacon with tides and waves, It is now a popular photo location among local photography enthusiasts.Air OFESS 一眾最新航機準備起飛!麻煩兩位著住黃色同灰色衫嘅乘客盡快扣上安全帶!All the latest models of Air OFESS are ready to take off! The two passengers, who are in yellow and grey, please fasten your seatbelt!唔好意思,請跑道上嘅情侶盡快登機, 因為Air OFESS 要準備起飛啦!Excuse us,...

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首先, 我們要感謝大家由2009年對www.ofess.com的一直支持。由今日起, 我們正式宣佈OFESS的官方網頁會進入另一個里程碑, 換一個新面孔繼續為大家帶來歡樂和驚喜。我們仍然會保留原址, 讓大家繼續方便收到我們的第一資訊。新的網頁會加入網購功能, 讓大家同步知道最新貨品的上架情況, 還可以以簡單的下單方式來享用我們優質的產品。 我們的團隊會繼續努力, 希望大家會享受OFESS新的一頁。 除了更多產品之外, 未來我們會陸續推出更多的折扣和優惠, 請密切留意。 Thank you to support our web page - from 2009. Up to now, our official website starts to change a new face. We hope that it would give you more fun and surprise. The address - still keeps in use, you could continue to receive our news at once. Our brand new website adds an online shopping function to show the date of launch, price and stock of a new product at the same time. You could also use a sample way to purchase our product in this online store. Our team would keep our effort to do the best. Hope you could enjoy the new OFESS...

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【Travel around HK with Air OFESS 】

【最新航線Air OFESS 帶你玩盡香港】 香港人鐘意去旅行就係人都知,不過係大家出發去星馬泰日韓之前,有無諗過先暢玩下香港各區景點呢?今日開始,一於跟住全新航線Air OFESS,發掘香港特色景點啦! 想了解Air OFESS ? 即上 / fb: 第一站:鰂魚涌怪獸大廈 【Travel around HK with Air OFESS 】 Are you tired of traditional sightseeing spots? And wanna explore some wonderful local HK scenery? Take the flight with Air OFESS, and our professional crew will carry you to special places which are only well-known by local HK people! Learn more about Air / fb: First Stop: “Monster Building”in Quarry Bay 位於鰂魚涌嘅怪獸大廈,係近年好多攝影愛好者嘅新場地,連《變型金剛4》都係度取景!“Monster Building” in Quarry Bay has recently become famous among HK local photography enthusiast. More and more people come to visit this place since “Transformer 4” was once shooted here. 怪獸大廈呈「E」字型 ,由福昌樓、益昌樓、益發樓、海山樓及海景樓,共五棟大廈組成。中間有個大天井,俾一眾街坊傾下計,抖下涼。我地嘅航機就係land 咗喺度啦~“Monster Building” is composed of five residential buildings: Fook Cheong Bldg, Yik Cheong Bldg, Yik Fat Bldg, Montane Mansion...

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Fly to Brazil, Countdown Rio Olympics 2016 with Air OFESS!】

【Air OFESS 飛出香港,迎接2016巴西奧運!】 Air OFESS巴西號今日直飛家鄉,同大家喺里約熱內盧進行奧運10日倒數!!!與此同時,為咗支持今屆奧運,Air OFESS將會於奧運期間舉行一連串有獎遊戲,想贏取價值$188 嘅Air OFESS奧運精美禮品,就記住like我地嘅Facebook專頁啦!!! 【Fly to Brazil, Countdown Rio Olympics 2016 with Air OFESS!】 Only 10 days left for the Rio Olympics 2016!! Let’s fly to Rio de Janeiro with Air OFESS Brazil Series and enjoy the dense Olympics atmosphere there! Also, during the Olympics period, a series of mini-games will be launched on our Facebook page. Remember to "Like" our page and catch the chance for winning an Air OFESS Olympics prize which is worth $188! ‪#‎airofess‬ ‪#‎olympic2016‬ ‪#‎olympics‬ ‪#‎travel‬ ‪#‎rainning‬ ‪#‎rain‬

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STYLE-FLASH 4 winners umbrellas launch now

終於等到今天了!於2015的10月份我們OFESS與LOG-ON聯乘營合作舉辦了"Style Flash"活動,藉以推動本地設計力量。我們在一個月內於LOG-ON To-Gather文化創意工作平台進行了4場不同的工作坊及講座。同期亦進行最後4強的投票比賽, 今天我們終於等到了, 4款最高得票的雨傘終於出世了!  大家馬上於LOG-ON各大門市選購。Feeling great to make things happen! "Style Flash" event was raised in beginning 2015 & we carried out a 1 month event with LOG ON Togather LOG-ON official page(design competition, online voting, sharing, workshops...etc) in Oct.,2015 to promote local creative forces with a chance to materialise their creative ideas! Today, the 4 most voted umbrellas have just been launched at Log-On ! Pls go & visit!

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