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STYLE-FLASH 4 winners umbrellas launch now

終於等到今天了!於2015的10月份我們OFESS與LOG-ON聯乘營合作舉辦了"Style Flash"活動,藉以推動本地設計力量。我們在一個月內於LOG-ON To-Gather文化創意工作平台進行了4場不同的工作坊及講座。同期亦進行最後4強的投票比賽, 今天我們終於等到了, 4款最高得票的雨傘終於出世了!  大家馬上於LOG-ON各大門市選購。Feeling great to make things happen! "Style Flash" event was raised in beginning 2015 & we carried out a 1 month event with LOG ON Togather LOG-ON official page(design competition, online voting, sharing, workshops...etc) in Oct.,2015 to promote local creative forces with a chance to materialise their creative ideas! Today, the 4 most voted umbrellas have just been launched at Log-On ! Pls go & visit!

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