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【最新航線Air OFESS 帶你玩盡香港】

上次Air OFESS飛咗去港島東,今次就轉飛港島西!大家即刻跟住Air OFESS,睇下西環到底有咩靚景! 想了解更多關於Air OFESS ? 即上 【Travel around HK with Air OFESS 】 Last time we have flown to Island East taking a look of the Monster Building. This time we will travel to the West , to explore places in Kennedy Town! Learn more about Air OFESS:泳棚早建於6、70年代,而因為泳棚上嘅木橋、燈塔,配合住日落、潮汐,都喺拍攝嘅好題材宜家已經成為拍攝嘅熱門地方Sai Wan Swimming Shed was built in 60-70s when public swimming facilities were sparse in HK. Because of the amazing scenery, sunset with wooden bridge, beacon with tides and waves, It is now a popular photo location among local photography enthusiasts.Air OFESS 一眾最新航機準備起飛!麻煩兩位著住黃色同灰色衫嘅乘客盡快扣上安全帶!All the latest models of Air OFESS are ready to take off! The two passengers, who are in yellow and grey, please fasten your seatbelt!唔好意思,請跑道上嘅情侶盡快登機, 因為Air OFESS 要準備起飛啦!Excuse us,...

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STYLE-FLASH 4 winners umbrellas launch now

終於等到今天了!於2015的10月份我們OFESS與LOG-ON聯乘營合作舉辦了"Style Flash"活動,藉以推動本地設計力量。我們在一個月內於LOG-ON To-Gather文化創意工作平台進行了4場不同的工作坊及講座。同期亦進行最後4強的投票比賽, 今天我們終於等到了, 4款最高得票的雨傘終於出世了!  大家馬上於LOG-ON各大門市選購。Feeling great to make things happen! "Style Flash" event was raised in beginning 2015 & we carried out a 1 month event with LOG ON Togather LOG-ON official page(design competition, online voting, sharing, workshops...etc) in Oct.,2015 to promote local creative forces with a chance to materialise their creative ideas! Today, the 4 most voted umbrellas have just been launched at Log-On ! Pls go & visit!

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