【Travel around HK with Air OFESS 】

【最新航線Air OFESS 帶你玩盡香港】

香港人鐘意去旅行就係人都知,不過係大家出發去星馬泰日韓之前,有無諗過先暢玩下香港各區景點呢?今日開始,一於跟住全新航線Air OFESS,發掘香港特色景點啦! 想了解Air OFESS ? 即上www.ofess.com / fb: www.facebook.com/ofess2007/


【Travel around HK with Air OFESS 】

Are you tired of traditional sightseeing spots? And wanna explore some wonderful local HK scenery? Take the flight with Air OFESS, and our professional crew will carry you to special places which are only well-known by local HK people! Learn more about Air OFESS:www.ofess.com / fb: www.facebook.com/ofess2007/

First Stop: “Monster Building”in Quarry Bay


“Monster Building” in Quarry Bay has recently become famous among HK local photography enthusiast. More and more people come to visit this place since “Transformer 4” was once shooted here.

怪獸大廈呈「E」字型 ,由福昌樓、益昌樓、益發樓、海山樓及海景樓,共五棟大廈組成。中間有個大天井,俾一眾街坊傾下計,抖下涼。
我地嘅航機就係land 咗喺度啦~

“Monster Building” is composed of five residential buildings: Fook Cheong Bldg, Yik Cheong Bldg, Yik Fat Bldg, Montane Mansion & Oceanic Mansion. Between all the buildings, there is one large patio which provides a common area for the residences to gather around. Air OFESS landed at this patio~

天氣咁熱,Air OFESS 嘅最新航機 – UK Series 都要喺天井度抖下涼~

Air OFESS’s latest model: UK Series is taking a good rest at the patio in such a hot and sunny day~

Some local HK photography enthusiast!!

搭唔到Air OFESS 過嚟怪獸大廈?可以搭住叮叮先,喺“柏架山道”落就得!

Miss the OFESS flight to “Monster Building”? Take the tram and hop off at Mount Parker Road.

The entrance of Fook Cheong Bldg is next to the “Bonjour” Cosmetics Store~

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