AIR OFESS是2016一個新穎的旅遊系列,由OFESS創意屬團隊誠意打造,考慮到出門在外,除護照、電話和隨身藥物外,雨傘亦是一件不可缺少的隨身物,故以旅遊和飛機為設計藍本,設計一系列集輕巧、時尚和功能於一身的全新產品。整個系列包括7款不同設計,希望每一位使用者無論身處在那個地方,亦能透過產品分享歡樂。
AIR OFESS is a new travel campaign by OFESS in 2016. Other then passport and phone, an umbrella is also indispensable item when travel away. This is a new series of product with fashion and lightweight design inspired by travel and aircraft. The entire series comprises seven different designs, hoping every users share the joy through the products whenever where they are.